
If you would like
to have a website designed, please
to discuss the details and pricing.
In addition to this site,
some of my other clients include:
Life In The Seas,
Community Concert,
Blueberry Heaven, and
Botanical Alchemy.
Websites are an indispensable marketing tool, and no one
should be without one. Whether you're an amateur or a
professional, a website is the most cost-effective method of
advertising your presence. Be aware that "free" websites are
rarely that, and that there is a hidden price to doing
business with the service. For example, many sites that
advertise free photo galleries to store your images may sell
your work without your permission.
Another drawback to free websites is the possibility of being
spammed mercilessly. Face it: it costs someone money to run a
website and maintain the web servers --often the service will
sell your email address to marketing companies to cover
operating costs.
